
Intangible parts of computer. Set of instructions given to the computer to solve a specific task. It is a logical part of computer.
Types of Software
There are two major types of software
System software
Application software
System software

Software used to manage and control the hardware components and allow interaction betwee
n the hard hardware and other types of software. System software is also responsible for application software to run.
Example; Windows and DOS are the examples of system software.
Application Software
There are designed to full fill the need of end user. People use different types of application software according to their requirement. They are sub categorized into following types
.Example: Media Players and other software to make the use of computer easy are examples of Application Software.
Types of Application software are

Customized Software
It is designed for a specific purpose, customer of organization to manage exact requirement and environment. It is also known as bespoke software.
Package software
It is also known as ‘off-the-shelf’. It is used by a wide variety of different user in range of different situation. MS Word, Excel, and Power Point are some example of package software.


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