How to Networking Your Devices

{A lot of|Most of} today's devices rely {greatly|seriously|intensely} on access to your office network and the Internet. In this {guide|training|article}, we'll show you how to {hook up} devices to {the organization|the business|the corporation} network.


{Many|Just about all} laptops support wired and wireless connections. Creating a wired connection can be as simple as {operating|working|jogging} an Ethernet cable from the router to the Ethernet port on the laptop. To {hook up} to {a nearby|an area} Wi-Fi network, {you will|likely to|you are going to} need to {understand the|know the dimensions of the} SSID (Service Set Identifier), which is the name you gave the network when you place up the router. You'll also {have to know|need to find out|need to learn} the security passcode.
To {hook up} with a laptop running Windows 7, choose the network icon in the Notification Area of the Taskbar (in {the low|the bottom|the reduced} right corner of the screen). Under Wireless Network Connection, you should {view the|start to see the|begin to see the} SSID for your office network, as well as the signal strength of the network. If your signal is weak or the SSID doesn't {show up|seem|look}, you may need to move nearer to the wireless router for a more reliable, faster interconnection. Double-click the network you want to {hook up} to and enter the {security password|pass word|username and password}. If the laptop {effectively|efficiently} connects, the icon in the Windows Taskbar will change from gray to white signal strength pubs.

A wired connection is one of {the simplest|the best|the perfect} ways to {hook up} to your local network.
In {Home windows|House windows|Glass windows} 8, move your mouse button to the upper right corner of the {display|display screen} (or swipe in from the right edge of the screen, if the PC has a touchscreen) {to deliver|to create} the Charms {Pub|Club|Tavern}, {that will|that may|that can} appear on the right side of the screen. {Pick the|Find the} Settings icon in the Charms {Pub|Club|Tavern} and choose the {Wi fi|Wifi} icon. {Pick the|Find the} Wi-Fi interconnection that lists the network SSID, and click Hook up. Assuming that the network requires a password, your credentials and click {OKAY|ALRIGHT|FINE}.

Windows 7 makes it simple to find (and {hook up} to) {near by|local} {Wi fi|Wifi} networks.

 {Advantages of|Great things about|Benefits associated with} A {" cable "|Born} Connection

- Connecting your desktop or laptop via Ethernet cable {will give you|provides|can provide} an Internet signal that is faster (and more reliable) than a Wi-Fi interconnection.
- Connecting your computer to the network can be as easy as plugging the Ethernet {wire|cable connection|cable television} {into the|with your} router and your PC.

 {Advantages of|Great things about|Benefits associated with} A {Wifi|Wi-fi|Cellular} Connection

- {As you|At the time you} {hook up} via Wi-Fi, {you will not|you may not|you'll not} have the hassle of being tethered to a particular location, {which means you|therefore you|so that you} can move between {your office|your workplace|the workplace} and {table|panel|plank} room while remaining {linked} to the Internet.
- You have the {independence|flexibility|liberty} to access {the web|the net|the world wide web} in areas where wired {contacts|cable connections|links} aren't available, such as {a cafe|a restaurant} or an {airport terminal|air-port|international airport}.

Windows 8, you'll need to open Settings in the Charms Bar.


Most tablets {can simply|can easily} {hook up} to your office networking wirelessly because they {absence|shortage} an Ethernet port. {Even though|Though} specific steps will {differ|fluctuate|change} by brand and model, you can generally reach the Wi-Fi feature by opening a Settings menu and finding the {Wi fi|Wifi} or Wireless Networks {tabs|case|hook}.


With a gadget that runs Android, bring up the {software|iphone app} {display|display screen} and select Settings. Select Wireless & Networks and choose Wi-Fi Settings. {Help to make|Produce|Generate} sure the Wi-Fi is on (could be an on/off switch or you may need to {examine the|look into the} Wi-Fi checkbox) and {wait for an|wait for a} tablet to scan for available networks. Select the network {that|where} you want to connect, and {get into|enter in|enter into} the security credentials. Choose Show Password {if you need|if you wish} to find the characters you enter. Tap Connect when you've entered the {security password|pass word|username and password}, and you'll {view a Wi fi|view a Wifi|visit a Wi fi|visit a Wifi|get a Wi fi|get a Wifi} icon in the {notice|warning announcement} area.


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