
A port is an interface or point of attachment. It {can be used|is employed} to {hook up} peripheral devices with computer such as {inkjet printer|printing device|computer printer}, Keyboard or mouse. {Almost all|Most|Every} peripheral devices communicate with computer using ports. The ports connecters are fastened to motherboard. Each type of port operates at a certain speed. The speed is measured in Kilobits per second (Kbps) or megabits per second (Mbps).

Types of {Slots|Plug-ins|Jacks}:
Different types are as follows:
Serial Ports:
A type of port that transmits one bit {each time is|at any given time is|at the same time is} called serial port. {It will always be|Most commonly it is|As well as} used to {hook up} devices that do not require fast data transmission like mouse and keyboard {and so on|and so forth|and many others}. Serial port is often referred to as {marketing communications|marketing and sales communications|sales and marketing communications} (COM) port. It is an external port on the back of the computer. It is fastened {straight to|right to} motherboard. The {old|more mature|elderly} ports used 25-pin fittings for serial port. The serial ports in the latest computers have only nine pins. The {velocity|rate|acceleration} of serial port is 115 kilobits per second.

Parallel Ports:
A type of port that {transfers|sends|transports} many bits at a time {is known as|is named|is referred to as} parallel {slot|interface|dock}. IT is {considerably faster|much quicker|faster} than a derail port. {It will always be|Most commonly it is|As well as} used to {hook up} devices that require fast data transmission like printer and scanner etc. Parallel {slot is|interface is|dock is} often referred to as Line Printer (LPT) ports. The {most significant|major} {slot|interface|dock} on back of computer {contains|involves} 25 lines. The speed of parallel {slots is|plug-ins is|jacks is} 12 Mbps.

USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. {This is|That is} a plug-and-play hardware interface. It {can be used|is employed} to {hook up} devices such as keyboard, mouse, joystick, {scanning device|reader} and printer etc. {This|That} has a maximum band width of 12Mbits per second. It can {hook up} up to 127 devices. {The brand new|The newest|The modern} device can be added without adding an {card|joindre|assembler} card. It is typically {situated on the|found on the} back of the computer. Some computers provide USB port in on the front side of the system unit.


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